Yeshvanth Prabakar

Software engineering intern at HP

Work Experience

Microsoft | Student Partner

  • Worked as a student partner to bring technology to campus through hosting hackathons, workshops and tutorials.
  • Hosted the famous 2019 DSS Hackathon at the Microsoft reactor in collaboration Amex.
  • Additionally worked with Microsoft to build and grow the student community online and on campus.

UK National Health Service (NHS) | Software Developer

  • Worked alongside a team of 6 to develop an improved blood test diary that automates tracking, monitoring and contacting patients who are due for checkups and blood tests.
  • The web application improves efficiency by 40%.
  • Developed the application using Spring Boot and Materialize CSS frameworks.
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Springboot
  • MaterializeCSS

Artificial Intelligence Society (KCL) | Research Analyst

  • Worked as a researcher for the artificial intelligence society at kings by staying abreast on the latest technologies in Machine Learning and AI Planning.
  • Sucessfully planned, organised speakers and events through the form of workshops for members and students to a total audience of 400 students with weekly workshops.

HP | Software engineering Intern

  • Developed a new system that provided a more efficient and integrated solution to manage customer records, improving effiency by up to 60%.
  • Sucessfully debugged Software to eliminate bottlenecks and improve efficiency application performance.
  • Worked on IP addressing and subnetting of networks in the intranet to correctly meet the number of systems required by the enterprise.
  • Played an active role in requirements engineering.
  • JAVA
  • MySQL
  • TomCat

Akshara Charity Foundation | Event Manager

  • Planned, managed and hosted a variety of fundraisers to raise a record total of 4000 euroes.
  • Hosted the band Night fundraiser at the local famous "Gooische Podium" in Hilversum and successfully advertised the event on the local newspaper.
  • Liaised through a variety of contacts and stakeholders to auction items for fundraisers including artworks, paintings for sales of over €1000.

Contact 2018

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